Fatigue is a very common complaint, simply being tired; It can also be defined as lack of energy, physical or mental exhaustion, weakness, exhaustion, feeling of heaviness, lack of motivation.
Everyone can feel tired from time to time. But prolonged fatigue (weeks, months) is not normal; It could be a sign of something wrong with our body.
The cause of fatigue can be stress, excessive anxiety, depression, anemia, diabetes, cancers, kidney and liver diseases, under-functioning of the thyroid gland, electrolyte disorders, some medications (antidepressants, antihistamines, etc.), treatments such as chemotherapy-radiotherapy, infections. In addition, too much caffeine or alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, too little or too much exercise are also causes of fatigue.
Fatigue negatively affects relationships in family life, work life and social life. Measures such as regular physical activity, healthy eating, quitting smoking, avoiding excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption, healthy eating, and avoiding sleep for more than half an hour during the day can be good for your fatigue complaint.
However, if there is no obvious reason such as physical activity, insomnia, boredom that can explain your fatigue, if it continues for a long time, if it keeps you from your daily activities, and especially if there are accompanying complaints (weight loss, change in bowel habits, hair loss, excessive thirst, etc.), it may be a part of a serious problem. In such a case, you should first consult an internal medicine doctor. After examining you by asking some questions, your doctor will request some blood and urine tests.
Your treatment will depend on the underlying cause, which your doctor will identify.
Persistent fatigue can be a symptom of a disease. Performing the necessary tests without further delay and eliminating the problems that cause fatigue is the best approach to protect your quality of life. Click on the link below for more detailed information about our Fatigue Check-up Package.