What is Liposuction? How is Liposuction Surgery Performed?

What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is the procedure that removes excess fat from the body with a suction. Although this procedure is not a substitute for weight loss, it can correct the shape and contour of the body.
Liposuction can be used to remove excess fat that has not responded to exercise and diet, including fat around the thighs, stomach, upper arms, chest, hips, or waist.
Who Can Have Liposuction?
People who decide to have liposuction because it is a surgical procedure should take this into account and clarify their decision. First of all, before the aesthetic operation, it should be checked whether the patient's skin is suitable for this procedure. liposuction; It is an operation that can be performed on all men and women who are not pregnant and have not given birth.
How is Liposuction Surgery Performed?
In liposuction surgery, the fat tissue under the skin is sucked with the help of hollow tubes (cannulas) inserted into the skin through cuts of a few millimeters. The suction is done with a vacuuming device attached to these small tubes. The word “suction” in the name of the process also refers to this vacuuming technique.
As with muscle cells, fat cells do not increase in number after puberty, but they gain volume. The aim of liposuction surgery is to reduce the number of fat cells in the relevant area.
liposuction surgery general or local anesthesia (sedation) It is performed in a hospital operating room environment. Depending on the amount of fat to be removed, the duration of the operation varies between half an hour and 6 hours.
One or two sutures are placed on the incisions at the entry points of the cannulas. Usually, 1 stitch is sufficient for each entry point.
Healing Process After Liposuction
Return to normal life after liposuction It is necessary not to rush. It is important to give yourself time for the recovery process after liposuction. Although it is a relatively minor cosmetic operation, liposuction is a surgical procedure and you need to give your body time to heal before returning to daily life. Plan to take a few days off from work after liposuction and find someone else to take care of your other daily obligations, such as chores or even driving.
Your doctor will let you know when he or she thinks it is safe for you to return to work and return to an exercise routine. Follow these guidelines and try not to rush your recovery.
How Long Is the Liposuction Corset Used?
There are some points you should pay attention to after having liposuction. You should pay attention to these issues so that your body can recover as soon as possible and you can return to your old life in a short time.
First of all, it is important to use specially produced corsets after the procedure. These corsets will allow your body to recover as soon as possible. It is extremely normal to see swelling and bruising on the body after the procedure.
It may seem that these swellings will not go away from time to time, but as long as you wear your corset regularly for 3-4 weeks, these bruises and swellings will disappear on their own.
Generally, 3-4 weeks after the procedure, the body recovers and daily life can be resumed.
Op. Dr. Kenan Arifoglu
Aesthetic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Specialist
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