Our Head of Department, Dr. Ahmet Ozyigit

What is GP practice?

General practitioner (GP practice) is a medical field that provides preventive health services, which is called personal primary care, and encourages early diagnosis and treatment of diseases that are frequently encountered among the public. Having a physician who is close to the area where people live and can easily reach by making an appointment allows early diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and can direct people who need secondary health care to these services. In this way, unnecessary accumulation of patients is prevented in the centers providing secondary health care services, and the patients are guided in the most accurate way regarding their diseases.

Among the duties of general practitioners:

– Providing preventive health services called primary care for the person. Planning for people in the risk group for diseases to take preventive measures correctly.
– Information and treatment planning regarding health promoting and protective methods
– Early diagnosis and treatment planning of diseases by providing periodic check-up service
– Correct guidance of patients in need of secondary health care after their diagnosis.
- Seeing the patients who are dependent on him periodically, making necessary health checks and helping to organize drug protocols.

In addition to the management of common chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, lipid disorders and diabetes, the diagnosis and treatment of many acute and chronic diseases can be performed by general practitioners. It is also among the duties of the general practitioner to direct him to the specialist doctor when necessary and to establish a bridge with the secondary care services.

Especially when it is not known which specialty to apply in diseases of unknown origin, the first examinations and analysis by the general practitioner and the correct direction of the patient to the right specialty will save both time and money.


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