What is Cervical Cancer? What are the Diagnosis and Treatment Methods?

Don't be afraid, cervical cancer is a preventable disease!
HPV Vaccine and Screening Tests Prevent the Development of Cervical Cancer!
It is one of the most common types of gynecological cancer among women. Early diagnosis is possible with regular gynecological examinations, tests and screening methods.
January has been designated as Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and many events are held all over the world to raise awareness for women. I prepared my January article to draw your attention to an awareness suitable for this month.
How can we be protected from types of gynecological cancers and is early diagnosis possible?
In uterine cancerEvery woman who is menstruating or is in post-menopausal period should know that abnormal bleeding should be evaluated. The risk increases especially in women who complain of bleeding after menopause.
for ovarian cancer; The woman's family history becomes important. If it is present in the family, risk-reducing interventions can be made with early diagnosis and examinations.
cervical cancer In terms of; Cancer development can be prevented with HPV vaccines that prevent cervical cancer. In addition, early diagnosis is possible thanks to screening programs.
Why is Cervical Cancer Important?
- Cervical cancer patients are lucky. Because it is a preventable disease.
- It can be treated with early diagnosis.
- Survival rates for cervical cancer are very high. Death is almost completely preventable.
- Regular cervical cancer screening is vital.
At what ages is the cervical cancer vaccine administered?
High effectiveness can be achieved when vaccinated between the ages of 9-15. If the vaccine is not given at an early age, vaccination can be done until the age of 26. Although the effectiveness of the vaccine administered at later ages is less than that administered at earlier ages, the vaccine can be administered up to the age of 45.
Risk factors
- If your sexual life started at an early age (before the age of 16),
- If you are not monogamous,
- You have untreated Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and/or other sexually transmitted infections and you are over 30 years of age.
- If you do not have your annual gynecological tests,
- If you do not have cervical cancer screenings at regular intervals,
- If you have a family history of cervical cancer (if you have a close relative such as a sister or mother)
- If your immune system is weakened,
- If you are overweight or obese,
- If you smoke,
- If you consume less fruits and vegetables in your eating habits,
- If your socioeconomic level is low.
Pap Smear test and HPV DNA can be detected at an early stage with Pelvic examination tests.
However, if you encounter any of the situations listed below, consult a specialist physician immediately:
- If you have menstrual bleeding that lasts longer or is heavier than normal,
- If spotting continues at times other than the menstrual period, if light bleeding always occurs
- If there is an unusually heavy discharge from the vagina,
- If there is pain while urinating,
- If there is pain in the back or sexual area,
- If there is pain and swelling in the legs,
- If you have loss of appetite, weight loss and feel constantly tired,
- If there is bleeding or pain during or after sexual intercourse,
- If bleeding occurs after menopause.
What can be done for early diagnosis and prevention of cervical cancer?
Early Diagnosis is made by a Gynecology and Obstetrics specialist.
For early diagnosis;
- Having a regular gynecological examination every year,
- Consult a doctor without delay in unusual cases such as unexpected bleeding or abnormal vaginal discharge,
- Having a Pap Smear test once a year (every woman between the ages of 21-65)
- Getting a cervical cancer vaccine,
- Both tests (Pap smear and HPV test) are extremely simple and painless procedures and are performed at the same time.
Contact us for vaccination and Smear appointments...
Op. Dr. Zeynep Tasargol
Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist
Contact Us For Appointment:
Telephone line: 0392 444 3548 (ELIT)
Contact Form: https://www.elitenicosia.com/iletisim/